
Golden Promise Dental:Brings the best Chinese dental products to Africa!

Invisible orthodontic treatments are those that are so discreet they’re nearly invisible. These clear orthodontic solutions offer an aesthetically appealing alternative to metal braces. Patients with invisible orthodontic appliances are free to feel more comfortable and confident in their smile throughout their treatment.Invisible teeth braces works similarly if not the same as traditional braces, the main difference being the ability to do so discreetly. The purpose of clear orthodontic solutions is to move and straighten the teeth without being noticed by others, since these transparent braces are usually the color of the tooth’s enamel or transparent, like with clear orthodontic aligners.

With orthodontic clear aligners, brushing is simple. When you want to brush your teeth you simply have to take out the invisible teeth braces and proceed to brush as normal. To clean the devices themselves, all you need is a soft toothbrush and neutral soap to eliminate the dirt or plaque that may have gotten stuck to them during use.

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