
Golden Promise Dental:Brings the best Chinese dental products to Africa!

what happens to dental material when it is exposed to hot and cold

by:Golden Promise     2023-06-19


Dental materials used in dentistry are designed to withstand normal temperature changes in the mouth. However, when these materials are exposed to extreme temperatures, they can undergo physical and chemical changes that can compromise their performance and durability. In this article, we'll explore what happens to dental materials when they are exposed to hot and cold and how it affects their properties.

Physical Changes:

When dental materials are exposed to hot and cold temperatures, they can undergo physical changes, such as expansion and contraction. Many dental materials, such as tooth-colored composite resins, are made of polymers that can expand or contract when exposed to heat or cold. This expansion and contraction can cause the material to become weaker, crack or break, leading to failure of the restoration.

Chemical Changes:

Dental materials can also undergo chemical changes when exposed to hot and cold temperatures. This is particularly true for dental amalgam, which contains a mixture of metals, including mercury, silver, and tin. When dental amalgam is exposed to extreme temperatures, it can release mercury vapor, which can be harmful to both the patient and the dental staff.

Hot and Cold Sensitivity:

When dental materials are exposed to extreme temperatures, they can also cause hot and cold sensitivity. For example, patients who have had dental restorations may experience sensitivity when consuming hot or cold foods and drinks. This sensitivity can be caused by the expansion and contraction of the dental material, or by the exposed dentin due to tooth decay or root exposure.

Impact on Dental Restorations:

Dental restorations, such as fillings, crowns, and bridges, can be affected by exposure to hot and cold temperatures. As we've already mentioned, dental materials can expand and contract due to temperature changes, which can cause stress on the restoration, leading to failure. Additionally, dental restorations can also become dislodged due to the expansion and contraction of the underlying tooth structure.

Preventing Hot and Cold Damage:

There are several ways to prevent hot and cold damage to dental materials and restorations. First, patients can minimize their consumption of hot and cold foods and beverages. Second, dentists can use dental materials that are less susceptible to expansion and contraction, such as glass ionomers. Third, dentists can use bonding agents and liners that help to insulate the tooth structure from extreme temperature changes.


Dental materials and restorations can be exposed to hot and cold temperatures, which can cause physical and chemical changes, as well as hot and cold sensitivity and failure of the restoration. Patients can minimize their consumption of hot and cold foods and beverages to protect their dental restorations. Dentists can also take steps to prevent hot and cold damage by using dental materials that are less susceptible to expansion and contraction and by using bonding agents and liners to insulate the tooth structure. By taking these steps, patients can ensure that their dental restorations remain strong and durable for years to come.

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