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when to oil dental handpieces

by:Golden Promise     2023-06-02

Dental handpieces are crucial instruments in any dental practice. They are used to perform a variety of procedures such as polishing, drilling, and removing plaque from teeth. These handpieces consist of intricate moving parts that require regular maintenance to ensure their optimal performance. One essential maintenance task that often gets overlooked is oiling dental handpieces.

In this article, we will discuss when to oil dental handpieces, how to do it, why it is important, and the consequences of neglecting this essential task.

Why oiling dental handpieces is important

As stated earlier, dental handpieces have intricate moving parts that require lubrication to reduce friction and wear. Proper lubrication can extend the lifespan of your dental handpiece and improve its overall performance. It also ensures that the handpiece runs quietly and smoothly, comfortable for both the dentist and the patient.

When to oil dental handpieces

Oiling dental handpieces should be a regular part of your dental practice's maintenance schedule. Most manufacturers recommend oiling the handpiece after every use. However, if you're experiencing any issues with your handpiece such as excessive noise or vibration, it may be necessary to oil it more frequently. If left unchecked, these problems could lead to more significant issues, such as overheating and premature wear and tear.

How to oil dental handpieces

Oil your dental handpieces according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is recommended to use high-quality, manufacturer-recommended oil designed specifically for dental handpieces. Using the wrong type of oil can damage your handpiece, so be sure to check its compatibility before using.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to oil your dental handpiece:

Step 1: Ensure that the handpiece is free of blood, debris, or any other contaminants.

Step 2: Disconnect the handpiece from the air supply and remove any burrs or attachments.

Step 3: Hold the handpiece upright and insert a few drops of oil into the air inlet.

Step 4: Reconnect the handpiece to the air supply, depress the trigger, and run it for several seconds to distribute the oil throughout the handpiece.

Step 5: Disconnect the handpiece from the air supply, wipe off any excess oil and store it in a clean, dry place.

Consequences of neglecting to oil dental handpieces

If you neglect to oil your dental handpieces, you may experience several problems. Some of these include:

1. Increased wear and tear - Without proper lubrication, the handpiece's moving parts rub against each other, leading to unnecessary wear and tear. This will shorten the lifespan of your handpiece and require more frequent repairs or replacements.

2. Overheating - Without proper lubrication, the handpiece's friction increases, leading to overheating, which can damage the handpiece's internal components.

3. Reduced performance - A poorly lubricated dental handpiece may not perform well, making it difficult to complete procedures accurately and efficiently.

4. Increased noise and vibration - Without proper lubrication, the handpiece's moving parts rub against each other and can generate unwanted noise and vibration.


Oiling dental handpieces is an essential maintenance task that should not be ignored. It helps reduce friction, wear, and tear on the handpiece's internal parts, resulting in a more extended lifespan and better performance. Neglecting to oil your dental handpiece can lead to several issues, including overheating, reduced performance, and increased noise and vibration. So, make sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions and oil your dental handpiece regularly to keep it running smoothly for years to come.

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