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The Precision of Dental Laboratory Scanners in Creating Custom Restorations

by:Golden Promise     2024-04-19


When it comes to dental restorations, precision is essential for achieving the desired outcome. Traditional methods of creating dental prosthetics often relied on manual techniques, which could result in variations and inaccuracies. However, with the introduction of dental laboratory scanners, the field of dentistry has witnessed a significant transformation. These advanced scanning devices offer tremendous accuracy, improving the quality and fit of custom restorations. In this article, we will explore the precision of dental laboratory scanners in creating custom restorations and how they have revolutionized the dental industry.

1. The Evolution of Dental Laboratory Scanners

The journey of dental laboratory scanners began with the advent of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology in dentistry. Initially, these scanners were used for capturing digital impressions of patients' teeth, enabling dental professionals to create virtual models. Over time, the technology progressed, and modern dental laboratory scanners became capable of capturing intricate details of the oral cavity with exceptional precision.

Digital impressions obtained through dental laboratory scanners eliminate the need for traditional, messy impression materials that can be uncomfortable for patients. Instead, a small handheld scanner is used in the intraoral cavity, capturing accurate 3D images of the patient's teeth and surrounding tissues. These digital impressions can be further processed and used to fabricate various custom restorations, including crowns, bridges, implants, and even orthodontic appliances.

2. Capturing Detailed Impressions with Dental Laboratory Scanners

Dental laboratory scanners utilize advanced technology to capture detailed impressions, ensuring the creation of precise custom restorations. The scanners employ specialized light sources such as structured light or confocal microscopy to capture the surface morphology of teeth and surrounding tissues. These light sources project patterns onto the scanned area and measure the deformations caused by the tooth's shape.

By using this technology, dental laboratory scanners can capture highly accurate and precise impressions, surpassing the capabilities of traditional manual techniques. The scanners can record minute details such as surface texture, color shades, and translucency, allowing dental technicians to replicate the natural aesthetics of the patient's dentition.

3. Enhancing Efficiency and Workflow

One of the significant advantages of dental laboratory scanners is their ability to enhance efficiency and streamline the workflow in dental practices. Traditional methods required multiple steps such as impression-taking, material setting, and shipping to dental laboratories. This entire process could take several days or even weeks, depending on the distance and efficiency of the involved parties.

However, with dental laboratory scanners, the workflow becomes significantly faster and more efficient. Digital impressions can be obtained chairside within minutes, eliminating the need for shipping and reducing the overall turnaround time. The digital impressions can be instantly transferred to dental laboratories through secure online portals, ensuring a seamless and rapid exchange of information between dental professionals.

4. Accuracy and Fit of Custom Restorations

The precision of dental laboratory scanners directly translates into the accuracy and fit of custom restorations. The digital impressions obtained through scanners provide dental technicians with a detailed and accurate representation of the patient's oral cavity. This enables them to fabricate restorations that fit snugly, ensuring optimal function and aesthetics.

The virtual models created from these digital impressions allow dental technicians to manipulate and modify the restorations digitally, ensuring the perfect fit even before physical fabrication. This digital manipulation also allows for precise adjustments, ensuring proper occlusion and alignment with the patient's natural dentition. Consequently, the chances of ill-fitting restorations and subsequent complications are significantly reduced.

5. Advantages and Limitations of Dental Laboratory Scanners

While dental laboratory scanners offer numerous advantages, it is essential to acknowledge their limitations as well. Some of the key advantages include improved accuracy, efficiency, and aesthetics in custom restorations. They also allow for easy storage and retrieval of patient files in digital format, eliminating the need for physical storage space. Additionally, dental laboratory scanners facilitate effective communication between dental professionals, enabling collaborative treatment planning and execution.

However, dental laboratory scanners do come with a few limitations. The initial investment cost for these scanners can be significant for dental practices. Additionally, the learning curve for operating these devices and the associated software can be steep for some dental professionals. It is crucial for dental teams to undergo proper training and education to maximize the benefits of these advanced scanners. Lastly, highly reflective surfaces such as metal restorations or amalgam fillings can pose challenges to the scanning process, impacting the overall accuracy.


Dental laboratory scanners have proven to be a game-changer in the field of dentistry, revolutionizing the process of creating custom restorations. The precision and accuracy offered by these scanners ensure optimal fit, functionality, and aesthetics of the fabricated restorations. By eliminating the need for messy traditional impressions and enhancing efficiency, dental laboratory scanners have become an indispensable tool in modern dental practices. However, it is crucial for dental professionals to be aware of the advantages and limitations associated with these devices to make informed decisions regarding their implementation. With ongoing advancements in technology, dental laboratory scanners continue to evolve, offering even greater precision and efficiency in the creation of custom restorations.

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