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how much is it to get your teeth professionally cleaned

by:Golden Promise     2023-06-15

How Much is it to Get Your Teeth Professionally Cleaned?

Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine is crucial for preventing dental issues. Brushing twice a day and flossing once a day are essential steps in keeping your mouth healthy. However, even with a good oral hygiene routine, it's important to get your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist.

In this article, we will discuss the cost of getting your teeth professionally cleaned and what to expect during the process.

What is a Professional Teeth Cleaning?

A professional teeth cleaning is a dental procedure that involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and other debris from your teeth. This process helps to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. A dental hygienist or dentist will use special tools to clean and polish your teeth during this procedure.

What Does a Professional Teeth Cleaning Involve?

A professional teeth cleaning involves several steps. Here's what you can expect during your appointment:

1. Physical Examination

Before the cleaning starts, the dental hygienist or dentist will perform a physical exam of your mouth. They will look for any signs of tooth decay, gum disease, or other dental issues that may need to be addressed.

2. Scaling

Scaling is the process of removing plaque and tartar from your teeth using a special tool called a scaler. The scaler is gently moved along the surface of each tooth to remove any buildup. This step may take some time if you have a lot of buildup on your teeth.

3. Polishing

After scaling is complete, the dental hygienist or dentist will polish your teeth using a special paste and a rotating brush. This step helps to remove any stains or remaining debris from your teeth.

4. Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatment is the final step in a professional teeth cleaning. The dental hygienist or dentist will apply a fluoride gel or rinse to your teeth. The fluoride helps to strengthen your teeth and prevent tooth decay.

How Much Does a Professional Teeth Cleaning Cost?

The cost of a professional teeth cleaning can vary depending on several factors. Here are some factors that may affect the cost:

1. Geographic Location

The cost of a professional teeth cleaning can vary based on the location of the dental office. If you live in a big city or an area with a higher cost of living, the cost may be higher.

2. Dental Insurance

If you have dental insurance, your plan may cover some or all of the cost of a professional teeth cleaning. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to see what your plan covers.

3. Additional Dental Procedures

If you need additional dental procedures, such as a filling or root canal, the cost of your appointment will be higher.

On average, a professional teeth cleaning can cost anywhere from $75 to $200. However, the cost may be higher or lower depending on the factors listed above.

Why is a Professional Teeth Cleaning Important?

A professional teeth cleaning is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene. Here are some reasons why:

1. Prevent Cavities and Gum Disease

Regular teeth cleanings can help to prevent cavities and gum disease. Removing plaque and tartar from your teeth helps to keep them healthy and prevents bacteria from causing dental issues.

2. Freshen Your Breath

A professional teeth cleaning can help to freshen your breath. Removing any buildup of bacteria from your teeth can help to eliminate bad breath.

3. Improve Overall Health

Maintaining good oral hygiene can also improve your overall health. Dental issues have been linked to other health problems, such as heart disease and diabetes.


In summary, a professional teeth cleaning is essential for maintaining good oral hygiene. The cost of a professional teeth cleaning can vary depending on several factors, but it is a necessary expense for preventing dental issues. Be sure to schedule a professional teeth cleaning at least once a year to keep your teeth healthy and prevent dental problems.

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